Did you know?!

Many insurance companies cover the cost of Cranial “wigs” Prosthetics!!

HER Beauty Brands: Insurance Coverage for Your Wig

At HER Beauty Brands, we are aware of the significance of maintaining confidence and comfort, particularly during challenging times. This is why we want to shed light on the fact that most insurance companies provide coverage for wigs, often between 80% to 100%, subject to your individual policy terms.

Understanding the complexities of insurance claims can be overwhelming, which is why our dedicated team is committed to assisting you throughout the process. Whether you need clarification on your policy benefits or require support with the necessary paperwork, we are here to guide you every step of the way.

Finances should not hinder you from embracing a wig that empowers you. Reach out to HER Beauty Brands today, and let us help you leverage your insurance coverage to boost your confidence and overall well-being. Remember, wigs play a crucial role in the journey to recovery and self-assurance.

How to get your wig covered by insurance:

Securing insurance coverage for a cranial prosthesis can vary depending on the specific insurance plan and company. While some insurance plans offer coverage for cranial prostheses, others may not include this benefit. It is advisable to carefully review your insurance policy to understand its provisions regarding cranial prostheses and to communicate with your insurance company directly to ascertain whether you are covered.

Here are the steps to get it:

Get a Prescription from Your Doctor: First, ask your doctor to write a prescription saying you need a cranial prosthesis because of your hair loss.

Get Itemized Invoice: After purchasing your customized human hair wig, request an itemized invoice from our office at HER Beauty Brands.

Send a Claim to Your Insurance Company: With the prescription and invoice in hand, you can send a claim to your insurance company. Make sure you include all the needed info and documents, like the prescription, invoice, and anything else your insurance company asks for. (Reimbursement amount may vary depending on your insurance plan and coverage)

Wait for Approval: After sending your claim, you'll have to wait for your insurance company to review it. How long this takes can depend on your insurance company and policy. 

In a nutshell, getting coverage for a cranial prosthesis involves getting a doctor's prescription, dealing with a specialist, getting an invoice, sending a claim to your insurance, waiting for approval and receive your reimbursement. It's really important to go through your insurance policy carefully and keep in touch with your insurance company to understand what's covered and what you need to do.

Medical Wigs