Wigs ARE medically necessary.

“Wigs are not just accessories; they are vital tools in rebuilding self-image and restoring confidence during times of adversity.”

HER Beauty Brands - Embracing Change, Empowering Confidence

At HER Beauty Brands, we are truly heartened by the recent strides towards advocating for full coverage of Cranial Prosthetics by Medicaid. This groundbreaking bill has the potential to transform the landscape of wig accessibility for individuals navigating the challenges of chemotherapy and recovery.

Wigs are not just accessories; they are vital tools in rebuilding self-image and restoring confidence during times of adversity. Research consistently demonstrates the intimate connection between mental and physical well-being. By ensuring access to cranial prosthetics, we are offering patients a tangible solution that can profoundly impact their self-esteem and overall wellness. At HER Beauty Brands, we understand the importance of considering the mental health and well-being of individuals facing health challenges. For many patients, especially those undergoing treatments like chemotherapy that may affect their physical appearance, wigs can play a significant role in restoring a sense of self and normalcy during a period that is often filled with uncertainty and fear. By providing options that help individuals feel more like themselves, wigs can be a source of empowerment and confidence, bolstering their overall emotional well-being.

As we witness the momentum building in Congress for this essential proposal, it is crucial to recognize the significance of supporting those in vulnerable circumstances. By embracing initiatives that prioritize the well-being of individuals facing health challenges, we are collectively fostering a more compassionate and inclusive society.

HER Beauty Brands believes in the transformative power of self-expression and empowerment through beauty. We invite you to stand alongside us as we champion this vital cause, striving to make a positive impact in the lives of individuals who require support. Together, let's work towards a future where every person can readily access the confidence and solace they so rightfully deserve.




What to Do to Get Your Medical Wig Insurance Coverage?