What to Do to Get Your Medical Wig Insurance Coverage?

Pursuing Insurance Coverage for a Quality Medical Wig

Purchasing a quality medical wig for those in need can be a costly endeavor, with the price often amounting to thousands of dollars. However, despite the potential challenges involved, pursuing insurance coverage for a cranial prosthesis is undoubtedly worth it. To ensure a smooth process, it is essential to follow a series of steps before making your wig purchase. Keep in mind that beginning the process promptly is crucial, as it may take some time to complete.

Step 1: Contact Your Insurance Representative

The first step in obtaining insurance coverage for a cranial prosthesis is to touch base with your insurance representative. Inquire about their policy regarding the coverage of cranial prosthesis or cranial hair prosthesis. Understanding the extent of coverage provided by your insurance plan lays the foundation for a successful application.

Step 2: Obtain the Appropriate Prescription from Your Doctor

It is important to obtain the correct prescription from your doctor to support your insurance claim. Request that your doctor include the specific terms requested by your insurance provider. Ensure that your condition is stated explicitly, avoiding general terms like 'cancer.' Instead, specify the type of cancer you are experiencing. Additionally, include the relevant medical procedure number or code, such as A9282 or S8095, as this can greatly facilitate the claim process. You may also want to consider having your doctor explain how the cranial prosthesis qualifies as durable medical equipment (DME), although this may be optional.
When communicating with your doctor, it is crucial to use appropriate terminology. Avoid using terms like 'wig' or anything that may associate your case with cosmetics. By signing the completed form(s), you can proceed with submitting your claim.

Step 3: Compile the Necessary Documents

Before submitting your claim, gather all the required documents for a comprehensive application. These documents include:
1. The insurance claim form(s): If you are unsure about which form to use, feel free to contact us at 210-872-6511 for a free consultation. Additionally, if the form requires an NPI Code, you can find it through a quick NPI Records search.
2. Your prescription: Make sure to include the prescription detailing your need for a cranial prosthesis.
3. Your doctor's letter: Obtain a letter from your doctor that supports your claim, emphasizing your medical need for a cranial prosthesis.
4. Invoice from the wig shop: If you are required to pay upfront for the wig and then seek reimbursement from the insurance provider, include the invoice from the wigs shop. The invoice should feature the medical procedure code and the shop's Tax ID Number.
5. Additional supportive letter or evidence: Consider writing a personal letter explaining your situation and attaching a photograph of yourself to provide further evidence of your medical condition. Alternatively, you may request a friend or family member to compose a letter supporting your claim.
By meticulously completing these steps and compiling the necessary documentation, you will be well-prepared to pursue insurance coverage for a quality medical wig. Remember, every effort counts, so begin the process as soon as possible and remain patient, as the application may take some time to process. 

Step 4: Seeking an Appeal and Exploring Financial Assistance Options
If you find that your insurance claim has been denied, don't lose hope just yet. There are steps you can take to appeal the decision and potentially receive the coverage you deserve.
1. Explore the Appeal Process
Initiating an appeal can give you another chance to present your case. Contact your insurance provider to understand the specific steps you need to follow. Typically, the first step is to request a review by a medical board.
2. Understand the Reason for Denial
In order to mount a convincing appeal, it's important to know why your claim was denied. Reach out to your insurance provider and ask for a detailed explanation. By understanding the specific reasons behind the denial, you can work on addressing any issues that may have led to it.
3. Amend Documentation, if Necessary
In some cases, claim denials may occur due to inadequate or incomplete documentation. If you discover that this is the reason for the denial, make sure to take immediate action. Review your medical records and consult with your healthcare provider to rectify any discrepancies. Accuracy and thoroughness in documentation can greatly enhance your chances of success during the appeals process.
Exploring Financial Assistance Options
Beyond insurance, there are additional avenues you can explore to obtain financial assistance for your medical needs. Here are a few options to consider:
1. Government Assistance Programs
Look into government-sponsored healthcare programs, such as Medicaid or Medicare, which may provide coverage for certain medical treatments or conditions. Eligibility requirements vary, so it's important to research and determine if you qualify.
2. Non-Profit Organizations
Numerous non-profit organizations offer financial assistance to individuals facing medical challenges. These organizations may provide grants, scholarships, or financial aid to help cover medical expenses. Research reputable non-profits that focus on your specific condition or medical need, and reach out to them for guidance.
3. Crowdfunding and Local Support
Consider setting up a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for your medical expenses. Social media platforms and dedicated fundraising websites can help spread the word and garner support from friends, family, and even strangers. Additionally, local community organizations or religious institutions may offer assistance or know of resources available to you.
Remember, pursuing an appeal and exploring alternative financial assistance options can be time-consuming and require persistence. Stay organized, gather necessary documentation, and seek guidance when needed. By advocating for yourself and exploring different avenues, you may find the support you need to navigate your medical journey.


Wigs ARE medically necessary.


What Is a Medical Wig or Cranial Prosthesis?